Presentasi Penelitian Blended Learning di Jepang

Blended learning (BL) sebagai mode pembelajaran yang menggabungkan antara keunggulan e-learning dengan kekhasan pembelajaran tatap muka menjadi primadona mode pembelajaran yang sedang digalakkan saat ini. Aktivitas online yang bervariasi dan menantang perlu diciptakan oleh dosen dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran BL tersebut. Hal ini disampaikan Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D. dalam the 3rd International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2019) tanggal 22 – 25 Juli 2019 di Nagoya Jepang.

Abstrak dari paper dengan judul “The Effects of Online Activities on Student Learning Outcomes in Blended Learning Environment” adalah sbb: “This quasi-experimental study aims to find out how the online activities influence the learning outcomes of Yogyakarta State University students on e-learning courses. This 4-week study consisted of two experimental groups and one control group. The experimental groups received a face-to-face instruction plus e-learning or blended learning (BL) with online discussions and quizzes. The control group used Blended Learning without any online activities. Quantitative analytical results are as follows: 1) student’s learning outcomes in BL with online discussions and quizzes is better than those without any online activities; 2) student’s learning outcomes in BL with online discussions and quizzes is better than those with online quizzes; 3) student’s learning outcomes in BL with online quizzes is better than those without any online activities; 4) there is a positive correlation between student’s learning outcomes and their level of activities in BL environment.”

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Kelas Virtual di Era RI 4.0

Kelas Virtual (Virtual Classroom) merupakan lingkungan pembelajaran online yang memungkinkan terjadinya interaksi secara live antara guru dan siswa agar proses pembelajaran menjadi optimal. Beberapa karakteristik instruksional yang perlu diperhatikan ketika akan mengembangkan VC antara lain: interaksi, kolaborasi, sinkron dan asinkron, variasi konten dan aktivitas, umpan balik positip dan konstruktif. Peran VC sangat penting dalam pengembangan SDM di era RI 4.0. Blended learning merupakan pembelajaran yang menggabungkan aspek-aspek terbaik dari pembelajaran tatap muka dengan keunggulan pembelajaran online. Implementasi VC dalam bentuk BL model flipped classroom sangat tepat untuk meningkatkan kompetensi abad 21. Hal ini disampaikan oleh Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D. dalam Seminar Nasional Pengembangan SDM yang dihelat oleh Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) Perwakilan DIY di Sahid Raya Hotel & Convention Yogyakarta pada 28 November 2019.

Pembelajaran Online di Era RI 4.0

Pembelajaran online kini menjadi penting peranannya di era Revolusi Industri 4.0 yang sedang kita hadapi ini utamanya dalam meningkatkan kompetensi abad 21. Ketersediaan sumber belajar digital yang berbasis multimedia dan kekuatan koneksi internet menjadi daya dukung penyelenggaraan pembelajaran online di berbagai perguruan tinggi. Kita perlu merancang pembelajaran online atau yang sering disebut e-learning sesuai kebutuhan kompetensi mahasiswa dan karakteristik mata kuliah. Hal ini beberapa hal yang disampaikan Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D. dalam Seminar Nasional di Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo tanggal 29 Agustus 2019. Semnas yang dibuka oleh Dekan FKIP Unmuh Ponorogo tersebut dihadiri oleh ratusan peserta yang terdiri atas guru, dosen dan mahasiswa.

Mobile learning for assessment

Title: Pattern capacity participants exam of mobile learning for assessment

Authors: Heri Nurdiyanto, Herman Dwi Surjono, Priyanto

Publication: International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 8 (9), pp.713 indexed by Scopus.


The adaptive assessment system is expressed as an interactive approach to assessing the learner in the learning system. Stages undertaken in the development of this system include determination of bank questions, determination of the initial ability level of examinees, selection of items, assessments, termination of tests, and conclusions about the ability of examinees. Determining the initial ability level of examinees is very important because its accuracy dramatically affects the effectiveness of a selection of questions. Rule-based methods are used to extract information, rule-based methods combined with machine learning techniques are proposed to assess the level of ability of regular students and students with special needs. Machine learning techniques used are Naive Bayes, Multilayer Perceptron, SMO, Decision Tree, JRIP, and J48. The best accuracy results are achieved using the JRIP rule-based method of 64.12. The rules for the determination of the level of ability are formed based on expert opinion. The strength of examinees to vary and the amount of data evolving lies in need for dynamic formation of rules. The discovery of patterns in the test data of the participants can be used as the basis for the creation of states to replace the expert as well as improve the prediction accuracy. It is necessary to extract the pattern so that it can be used for the formation of the initial capability rules for examinees.